How A Puerto Rico Startup is Helping Locals Keep Earning During Quarantine

HALLO - A skill-sharing marketplace platform is the latest For-Puerto Rico startup to join the island’s budding gig economy. The startup is structured similarly as “uber” wherein customers use their app to get the experts and task helpers for what they need to be done. On-demand for when and where they need it.

It’s a welcome innovation to the island’s current way of booking people for task helpers and expert services.

While having an optimized booking experience is an exciting feature, the founders of HALLO have repeatedly said that the startup was conceptualized to further help Puerto Ricans gain supplemental income in the gig economy; addressing a larger problem that became known to the founders after enduring Hurricane Maria in 2017.

“I don’t think anyone was prepared for that devastation, myself included. However, if there was ever a positive takeaway, it would be the people and their drive to work and do something better. Yes people had to leave for economic reasons, but innovations in the gig economy such as HALLO are changing that. We created the startup to enable more ways for earning supplemental income… People work for themselves, we just make it easy for them to succeed.”

- Jan Reese Rondina-Burke


That dedication became even more apparent during the recent COVID-19 Quarantine in Puerto Rico. After a few weeks of halted earnings, many felt the economic pressure to provide for their families. In an effort to support the people they serve, The HALLO Founders decided to launch “Beta Bookings”. Currently supported fully online in the startup’s official website:, it opens an optimized booking form for customers to book Hourly HELPERS for tasks and errands. Additionally, experts providing virtual sessions can also be booked here.

Beta Booking Process Simply Explained

Beta Booking Process Simply Explained

Despite the HALLO App not being ready for launch, the founders felt the need to do something in response to the needs of the community of providers already in HALLO. In a matter of days, all company resources were diverted to get the “Beta Bookings” setup and launched. Digital Marketing has been key in getting the word out in a quarantined environment. Sponsored virtual events, such as their “Virtual Weekend Fest”, has built onto the popularity of its virtual services.

Since its launch a mere few weeks ago, “Beta Bookings” are now seeing repeat customers and have received 5-star reviews for its ease of use, reliability, and support. The startup has also received positive reviews for the launch of their COVID-19 Health and Safety Procedures in order to give a standard of safety for all Hourly HELPERS competing tasks and errands outdoors.




Currently, over 80 Local HELPERS are available hourly to run errands in the San Juan Metro Area. Even more are available offering virtual sessions at affordable hourly rates. As solidarity for the community of Providers, HALLO has slashed over 60% of its service fees; a refreshing gesture from a startup in its infancy. Jan Reese Rondina and Alan Burke, husbands who founded HALLO, are using the quarantine to work day and night from home. They are personally overseeing all matters regarding “beta bookings” giving it a VIP touch.

“We intend continue marketing all “beta booking” services in support for our community of providers during quarantine. We say we’re here for them… Now is the time to show that. I’m thankful for the support we have gained from our community in such a short period of time. It validates that what we are doing is relevant and needed. It’s giving me more drive to push on and release HALLÒ in its entirety.”

Alan Burke

CEO/ Founder

To join the HALLO Helper community, simply complete the onboarding successfully and get your free account activated. Start here: Partner with HALLO

Both the HALLO Customer App and HELPER Work App are now in testing for iOS and Android App Stores. Product launch is slated to be announced very soon and founders are currently urging all to sign up for the newsletter to get launch updates and special announcements.

A first-look at the upcoming HALLÒ Apps

A first-look at the upcoming HALLO Apps

This bootstrapped startup is showing that it only takes action, no matter how small, to make the change you want to see in the world. Seeing their clear dedication to supporting their community is awe-inspiring. Puerto Rico is yet again showing the world just how powerful and progressive it can be. Having the HALLO startup gives something exciting to look forward to after the quarantine.

To learn more about and get up to date news about this startup, you can follow their social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You may also send them a message at: