Hallo Helper website Headline cover image

Hyper-local Grassroots Expansion

Our P2P Tech is built to be your Global On Demand Platform for In-person Jobs/Services, in every local community using the Gig Economy.

  • We bring a worker-friendly & buyer-friendly booking experience. Uniquely tailoring our tech to solve each of their pain points in a transaction. Get Hallo Helper apps for free.

  • Removing limitations on Transaction Volume & use frequency, capped by demand seasonality/service-type.

  • Our platform’s hyper local approach and plug-and-play tech allows us to make inroads easily into every type of community

  • This platform is ready to replicate the same level of community ownership & brand loyalty in every city or town we expand into.

    Personalizing its apps to fit micro-communities unique culture, language, and service mix.

    Example: “Starbucks is global, but every starbucks is unique to reflect the community its in.”