Hallo Helper

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Zip-code based Matching Vs. Geolocation Tracking: Which one is right for you?

Zip-code match Tech vs. Geolocation Match Tech

although geo-location is the trending tech, zip-code match actually performs better. Let’s list the top proof:

• geolocation requires satellite connection. satellites are in space, while your phone is on land. There are clouds, storms, and all sorts of waves that can interfere with that connection. Which is why you often see inaccurate location pins when using apps with geolocation.

• geolocation was created by the government to track terrorists. it was adopted for public daily use by apps. it’s a great utility and advancement in technology. However, this technology is so new that it does not have laws that protect users like you from invasions of privacy. enabling geolocation on your device essentially means “let us track you, wherever you go, and keep a log of where you have been.”

We believe that type of power over people does not need to be used by apps you use to post, get a ride, get food, connect with friends, or book a service.

Hallo uses proprietary zip-code matching technology for the same reasons other apps use geolocation— to gather accurate data in order to show you relevant content and search results.

zip-code matching technology isn’t as trendy or considered “hi-tech”, but it doesn’t invade your privacy and gives our apps the right data needed to personalize your user-experience.

“…Technology that empowers everyday users, nothing else. That’s what we build at Hallo helper (hallo technologies)” — Jan Reese Rondina, CEO/co-founder

IMPORTANT NOTE: the information we share above is not intended for negative or nefarious reception. we at hallo believe in transparency and information sharing. we know knowledge is power, that’s why we share the information we do. we respect every person’s right to make their own informed decision.